Tuesday, September 25, 2007

David Jay Speaks to PPSV

Ryan and I were really excited to hear David Jay, awesome trend-setting photographer from Santa Barbara, speak at our PPSV (Prof. Photographers of the Sacramento Valley) meeting last week. A group of some of our photographer buddies joined us for dinner first - Allison Stahl, Carmen Salazar, Penny Sylvia, Monica Toohey-Krause, Sharon Hoyt, Aherne Delpero (site coming soon), Barton Brown, Carlos Rivera and, last but not least, the legendary Nathan Smith.

It was great hanging out with you guys talking shop - we can't wait to get together again.

A couple of us die-hards kept DJ up until the wee hours picking his brain. He is very generous in sharing his knowledge with other photogs and we are very appreciative of the time he spent with us.


  1. Damn we look good!!!!

  2. I'm so glad we went to dinner after...David Jay Rocks!!
